Noreastcon 47 Event Location
Old Bethpage Village Restoration
1303 Round Swamp Road
Old Bethpage, NY 11804
These pictures are just a sampling of what the museum has on display. This new building is jammed packed with vehicles since I took these pictures, and they are expecting WWII German Hetzer tank in time for our event. I am honored that Gary Lewi, VP of the museum, has given us this opportunity to have our show under the museum roof.
Directions to The Museum of American Armor, 1303 Round Swamp Road, Old Bethpage, NY 11804. There are approximatly 75 parking spaces. If full, there is an obvious dirt area across from the parking area. Please park in rows and be considerate to others who need to park.
Going East on the LIE 495: Exit #48 and at the traffic light make a right turn (Old Country Road). Get in the left lane ASAP and make a left at the traffic light (Round Swamp Road). Follow it about a half mile. Look for an entrance sign on the left for “Old Bethpage Village Restoration” and turn into the entrance. A few hundred feet turn left at the Armor Museum sign.
Going West on the LIE 495: Exit #48 and at the traffic light make a left turn (Old Country Road). Stay in the left lane and at the second traffic light make a left turn (Round Swamp Road). Follow it about a half mile. Look for an entrance sign on the left for “Old Bethpage Village Restoration” and turn into the entrance. A few hundred feet turn left at the Armor Museum sign.
From East or West on Southern State Parkway, and East or West from Sunsise Highway Rte 27, exit North onto Rte 135 Seaford Oyster Bay Expressway. Exit #10 (then right turn) to go East on Old Country Road. Stay in the right lane and travel about 2 miles. Just before a traffic light, the road will split 2 lanes to the left, and one to the right which is what you want to take. It merges onto Round Swamp Road. Follow it about a half mile. Look for an entrance sign on the left for “Old Bethpage Village Restoration” and turn into the entrance. A few hundred feet turn left at the Armor Museum sign.