
The Long Island Scale Modelers Society is proud to announce that next year we will not be hosting a Replicon but rather the IPMS Region One NoreastCon on March 23, 2024, at the Freeport Recreational Center in Freeport, NY.  


Noreastcon 52 Show Winners


Noreastcon 52 Winners.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [82.7 KB]


Noreastcon 52 Rules & Categories -  This has been updated on March 3, 2024 for a new Special Award- The Best Atlantis Toy and Hobby Inc. Award.  It covers any scale and any type of model manufacture by Atlantis.



Noreastcon 52 Contest Categories and Rul[...]
Microsoft Word document [23.2 KB]

Here's the Noreastcon Contest Master Form in PDF format. This needs to be completed and list all your models

Master Entry Form UP (6).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [109.9 KB]

Here's the Model Entry Form in PDF format. We will provide the Entrant # and letter at the registration table. Please list your name, IPMS # and Region 1 Chapter name on the bottom of the form

Model Entry Form UP.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [33.5 KB]