Contest Rules & Categories

Trouble reading small print on the back of the flyer? Ease your eyes and print out these files. Any additions or changes will be in red.



UPDATED 1-28-2018
NEcon 47 Categories Enlarged 1-28-2018.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [219.5 KB]
UPDATED 1-28-2018
Noreastcon 47 Contest Enlarged Rules.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [115.2 KB]


Master Form - PLEASE READ

You will need to print out and list all your model entries on it. When you pay the admission fee you will be assigned an ENTRANT number and sheet stamped. The number will be applied on each Model Entry Form. If you wish to type in the info use the MS Word document. You MUST DOWNLOAD the Word file on your computer. Use the file on your computer to type in. If you print out by hsnd you can use either download.

NE Master Entry Form UP.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [109.9 KB]
NE Master Entry Form UP.doc
Microsoft Word document [201.0 KB]

Model Entry Form - PLEASE READ

There are 2 Model Entry Forms per sheet. You will need to print out and use one form per model. Fill out the sheet as required and place with your model on the table. MAKE SURE YOUR NAME AND ENTRANT NUMBER IS ON IT, AND FOLD UNDER THE BOTTOM FLAP! If you wish to type in the info use the MS Word document. You MUST DOWNLOAD the Word file on your computer. Use the file on your computer to type in. If you print out by hsnd you can use either download.

NE Model Entry Form UP.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [33.5 KB]
NE Model Entry Form UP.doc
Microsoft Word document [313.0 KB]